So after last Tuesday's session and talking to our art teacher, I decided to up my game a bit. Im not sure how Im going to solve this yet and if its solvable. The moment your rented door expires you will get stuck in that room after you die. The problem is that if you rend a room there is most likely a bed in it, which if you sleep in will set your spawn point. Im still not entirely sure if I will add them. Have to warn you though it would be pretty low on my priority list
Basically you want a chest, that is linked to other chests and can give somewhat random items based on availability, but has different results per player? Hmm well minus the chest being linked and the different result per player I wouldnt mind putting it on my todo list. I do like to keep the mod somewhat related to npcs even though its starting to become more of an adventure mod. Im planning to improve my documentation. Sure I can add something like that currently you can use the before and not-available both to do something similar. (Check out our first game trailer on profile (when you have finished your work of course ), just german but you understand the FrancescoDS If you read this, thank you for doing such a hard work for making us happy and sorry for the bad english, we are from switzerland. If the "World-Lines" section had an option to chose when the specific line should appear, maybe by activating red-stone or any other, you could create more realistic Boss-characters and a lot more. Is it possible not to leave the "Lines" Options to chance? As you could chose which possibility should come first. Thought about the fight possibilities and tried the "Magic Crusade" Mod, would be awesome to have something like that in your mod, or just something making fights more interesting and varied. Worked so far but its accidential when the characters go their way (walk to any point starts between 1 an 20 sec. You put the character behind a red-stone closed door, when the player is teleported to cutscene-location, the first point of the path is going to be activated by opening the door and make the walk possible. It would be great, if you would add a time option to the "Moving Path" section, so it would be possible to do cutscenes from the past or near future of the player.
So, you can imagine that we love working with your mod, and because we do, here are some ideas, which would probably create some new possibilities for RPG maps: Now its almost 2 years of working on "Khrydios", and we know your mod very well.
Our idea is to create a RPG based on your Custom NPCs Mod, but we wanted to challenge the mod by building a huge story with over 100 of quests and about 800 dialogs so far, own composed background music integrated by bards and a giant map with so many big cities. Hi Noppes! As minecraft fans and long time players we decided to create a big minecraft project.